Our Story

    Many years ago while living on the foreign mission field (from the mountains of Costa Rica to the Amazon jungles of Peru), my family and I discovered the powerful benefits of the natural ingredients now used in our patented products Flu-B-Gone and Immune Booster Express. Being a family with 5 children, we realized first hand the frequent ineffectiveness of sugary cough syrups, the possible danger of an over-dependence on antibiotics, as well as the high cost/potential side effects of some pharmaceutical grade medicine. We therefore decided as a family, to go the “natural route" as a better option to combat seasonal sickness and to boost our immune system throughout the year.
Our observation was that many people who were getting sick on a regular basis was due in part to a weak immune system, and a deficient diet. Often, when our family or friends would come down with congestion, phlegm, headache, stuffy nose, aches, pains, chills, etc. we would provide them a batch of our special formula. 

To our amazement, year after year our family never had to make regular doctor visits for any seasonal sicknesses! From our own experience to the testimonies of many others, we realized that we had something uniquely special! What's most exciting is when a University of Florida Medical Department conducted its own studies which clearly demonstrated the efficacy of both Flu-B-Gone and Immune Booster Express!

More than just selling products, we are committed to donating 15% of our profit to charities which assist under-privileged communities both locally, and throughout many developing nations. With every bottle purchased, we are helping make a huge impact on lives around the world! We have also partnered with Life for the Innocent, an organization that rescues, restores and renews children affected by human trafficking.